Father John G. Hacker collection
Scope and Contents
The Father John G. Hacker collection, 1920-1950, contains letters and biographical information about Father Hacker sent from Loyola College to R.L. Slingluff, incoming letters to Father Hacker from friends and Maryland government officials, reviews of his "Catholic Hymnal" book, and music he composed or used for religious services. The letters and biographical information were sent by Reverend Francis X. Talbot, S.J., President of Loyola College,... to R.L. Slingluff to help him compose a necrology for Father Hacker in a Society of the History of Germans in Maryland publication. Father Hacker had been a member of the society before his death and Slingluff states it is customary to write a biographical sketch for members who recently passed away. The incoming letters to Father Hacker are from friends and government officials such as the Mayor of Baltimore and Governor of Maryland to confirm or decline attendance at his Golden Jubilee. There are also letters from a publishing company, William H. Sadlier Inc., discussing delays with printing additional copies of "Catholic Hymnal" in 1945. Some of the letters are marked "answered" by Father Hacker. The "Catholic Hymnal" reviews are handwritten or typed notes from fellow priests or copies of reviews from magazines. The music documents include songs composed by Father Hacker and those played during religious services as well as Canisius College music event programs and lists of instrument players.
See moreDates
- Creation: 1920-1950
- Hacker, John G., 1877-1946 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is located at the Loyola Notre Dame Library. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information. This collection is open for research.
Conditions Governing Use
The Father John G. Hacker materials are the physical property of Archives and Special Collections, Loyola Notre Dame Library. Copyright, except in cases where material has been passed into the public domain, belongs to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns.
Biographical / Historical
Father John G. Hacker, S.J. was born August 21, 1877 in Buffalo, New York. He studied at St. Louis Parochial School, Canisius High School, and Canisius College in Buffalo. On August 23, 1895, at age eighteen, Father Hacker entered the Society of Jesus through the Buffalo Mission of the German Province. He spent eleven years as a Jesuit in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, learning philosophy as well as teaching English and German. Father Hacker went to... Holland in 1906 to study theology, but was recalled a year later due to the discontinuation of the Buffalo Mission. He returned to the United States following a tour through France and Spain to complete his theological studies at Woodstock College in Maryland.
Father Hacker was officially ordained a priest on July 30, 1909. He taught at Canisius High School for two years then took his final vows at Canisius College where he taught Latin, Greek, English, and German for eight years. Father Hacker published "Catholic Hymnal" in 1920 and a revised organ version in 1921. In 1926, after three years as an assistant librarian at Boston College, Father Hacker was transferred to Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland. He celebrated his Golden Jubilee at Loyola College on September 8, 1945 to mark the fifty-year anniversary of his entry into the Society of Jesus. Father Hacker remained a celebrated member of the Loyola College community until his death from a short illness on September 11, 1946. Historical information adapted from: Society for the History of Germans in Maryland. Report. Baltimore: The Society, 1947. Print. Volume 27, p. 74.
.668 Cubic Feet (4 legal sized folders)
Language of Materials
The Father John G. Hacker collection, 1920-1950, contains letters and biographical information about Father Hacker, incoming letters to Father Hacker from friends and Maryland government officials, reviews of his "Catholic Hymnal" book, and pages of music he composed or used for religious services. Father John G. Hacker, S.J. was born August 21, 1877 in Buffalo, New York. He was a celebrated German professor and music prefect at Loyola College until his death on September 11, 1946.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
There is no known acquisition information for this collection.
Processing Information
This collection was processed in 2018 by Shavonne Munnlyn.
- Hacker, John G., 1877-1946 (Person)
- Title
- Guide to the Father John G. Hacker collection
- Author
- Shavonne Munnlyn
- Date
- 2018
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Loyola Notre Dame Library Archives and Special Collections Repository