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Kit Reed collection

Identifier: SC-033

Scope and Contents

The Kit Reed collection, 1987-1989, contains correspondence between Reed's editor and publisher regarding her 1989 fiction writing manual Revision, as well as galley proofs and an edited manuscript of her 1987 book Catholic Girls. Within the correspondence are manuscripts from up and coming writers who wished to share their editing processes in her book. Reed's publisher includes a request from one writer not use the title of his work in her manual... because it is a work in progress. The collection wraps up with pages from other fiction writing manuals Reed collected to guide her writing and an edited Revision manuscript.

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  • Creation: 1987 - 1989


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is located at the Loyola Notre Dame Library. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information.

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

The Kit Reed collection is the physical property of Archives and Special Collections, Loyola Notre Dame Library. Copyright, except in cases where material has passed into the public domain, belongs to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns.

Biographical / Historical

Kit Reed was born Lilian Hyde Craig on June 7, 1932 in San Diego, California. She began writing stories as a child, creating a series about a stand-up bunny by age 12. During Reed’s senior year at the College of Notre Dame in Maryland, the sisters allowed her to write short stories instead of a standard senior thesis because she disliked research. After her 1954 college graduation, she legally changed her name to Kit Reed to pay homage to her childhood... nickname, “Kitten.” Reed’s first short story, “The Wait,” was published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in 1958.

For five years, Reed was a reporter with the St. Petersburg Times in Florida then The New Haven Register. She received multiple literary awards for the juvenile court articles she wrote in Connecticut. She incorporated reporter characters into her short stories and wrote a few thrillers under the pseudonym Kit Craig. Her stories were published in many science fiction and fiction magazines with dark humor and dystopian themes. Reed passed away on September 25, 2017 at age 85. Historical information adapted from (accessed February 2019)

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.47 Cubic Feet (1 legal full-size box)

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The Kit Reed collection, 1987-1989, contains correspondence between Reed's editor and publisher regarding her 1989 book Revision, as well as galley proofs and an edited manuscript of her 1987 book Catholic Girls. Kit Reed was born Lilian Hyde Craig on June 7, 1932 in San Diego, California. She began writing stories as a child. Reed graduated from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland in 1954.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

There is no known acquistion information for this collection.

Processing Information

This collection was processed in 2019 by Shavonne Munnlyn.

Guide to the Kit Reed collection
Shavonne Munnlyn
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Loyola Notre Dame Library Archives and Special Collections Repository

200 Winston Avenue
Baltimore MD 21212