Letter from Flannery O'Connor to Miss Lane, 1963 October 21
Scope and Contents
The Flannery O'Connor correspondence collection, 1963-1969, consists of letters between O'Connor and College of Notre Dame administrators and students regarding her lecture on October 17-18, 1963. Twelve of the fifteen letters are typed or handwritten by O'Connor to Sister Maura Eichner, Sister Bridget Marie, Sister David, and student newspaper editors, Nancy Lane and Julie Preis. Three letters are written by Sister Bridget Marie to confirm O'Connor's... arrival date in Baltimore and the title of her lecture. The collection includes comments students gave the College of Notre Dame about O'Connor's lecture and a headshot she sent Miss Lane and Miss Preis to advertise the lecture in the school newspaper. The headshot is enclosed with a letter requesting its return, but the editors evidently forgot to do so as the photograph remains with the collection. O'Connor's October 1963 letter to Sister Maura thanks her for the poetry she sent and asks for prayers for her March 25th birthday. The final letter to Sister Maura, dated March 25, 1964, sends thanks for another poem and wishes Sister Maura a blessed Easter as O'Connor recovers from a recent surgery. The collection concludes with photographs related to O'Connor's Notre Dame visit as well as slides of Andalusia Farm, dated 1968 and 1969. The slides appear to have been taken during two trips to view the property after O'Connor's death.
See moreDates
- Creation: 1963 October 21
- From the Collection: O'Connor, Flannery, 1925-1964 (Person)
- From the Collection: Bridget Marie, Sister, S.S.N.D., 1905-2001 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is located at the Loyola Notre Dame Library. Contact Archives and Special Collections for more information.
This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: .24 Cubic Feet (1 legal half-sized document box)
Language of Materials
Repository Details
Part of the Loyola Notre Dame Library Archives and Special Collections Repository